Category: Uncategorized

penguin on rock 0

Linux Short Reference

Getting an ISO image from a DVD drive using the command prompt dd if=cdromdev of=isoname bs=1024e.g.: dd if=/dev/sr0 of=my_image.iso bs=1024


white and gray 2 storey house 0


This site is meant to be a pinboard for news and thoughts about IT stuff in general, especially telecommunications related. The focus is on practical applications, how to use appliances, how to configure and...


white router on white table 0

ADSL Modulation Scheme Attributes

I could not find any reliable comprehensive source and don’t want to read all the specs…. Therefore I compiled a short summary of commonly used DSL modulation schemes and their key attributes. Different max....


Nokia building photograph 0

Nokia’s Future N-series on MeeGo

Nokia (NYSE:NOK) confirmed its forthcoming N8 device will be the last N-series smartphone release running the Symbian OS. “Going forward, N-series devices will be based on MeeGo,” Nokia spokesman Doug Dawson told Reuters, adding...


turned on flat screen monitor 0

Fix Plesk Statistics

Problem: No web statistics were generated, only a place holder shown under /plesk-stat/webstat. Generating the stats manually suceeded: /usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/statisticsor/usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/statistics –calculate-one – The latter one returned an error for an unknown parameter. Because the statistics...


white lead pencil on surface 0


Usually a SIP UA needs to register to be able to make certain transactions. E.g. to receive calls, the REGISTRAR has to know how to reach the UA. It could be also that a...


high rise building 0

No Table support?

I missed table support in the default TinyMCE editor and thought I have to install a new one. But tables and much more just hidden!To activate advanced editor features: Extensions > Plugin Manager >...
