Category: SIP

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Free Your Phone Calls With FreeSWITCH!

Since SIP became the commonly used protocol to handle phone calls and other communication and Internet connects almost all households with a reasonable QoS, I ask myself: What is actually the role of the...


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To be reachable via SIP using the same private domain I currently use for email, and even the same ID, I decided to set-up my own SIP PBX. Because I have rented a VPS...


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Getting Rid of SIP NAT Problems

The Problem SIP Endpoints in a consumer environment are often behind a NATted DSL router.  This means they use a private IP address and mechanisms to allow SIP signaling and the voice data’s separate...


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Addressing Issues

SIP procedures are a standardized way to setup sessions (mostly phone calls) over the Internet.In the world of Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS), each phone is addressed using a digit string, e.g. a phone...


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Usually a SIP UA needs to register to be able to make certain transactions. E.g. to receive calls, the REGISTRAR has to know how to reach the UA. It could be also that a...


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SIP Without Service Provider

I wrote earlier that a simple UA-UA call without any service provider is not used in practice. But do we really need a service provider if we are satisfied with SIP to SIP VoIP...


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SIP Short Intro

SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) is a protocol to setup multimedia sessions over the Internet. The endpoint or devices are called user agents (UA). A user agent can be a client and initiate a request...
