Category: Web

Server, Content Management, …

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Your Data: In the Clouds or On Earth?

Data Security for Consumers Gone are those days when people kept their memories on photo albums, filling shelves in their homes. Shelves are being gradually also relieved of transparency trays, video cassettes and other...


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Browsing Privacy

How easy is it for someone to track our movements in the world wide web? Dynamic IP addresses? NAT? Disabling cookies?This all seems to be of not much help!   Interestingly our individual PC...


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Backup and Restore of a Joomla Site

Done a couple of times, but needed rather rarely. Means I have to re-think every time. So here is a simple recipe (Linux assumed): The MySQL DB and all the files in the web...


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Fix Plesk Statistics

Problem: No web statistics were generated, only a place holder shown under /plesk-stat/webstat. Generating the stats manually suceeded: /usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/statisticsor/usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/statistics –calculate-one – The latter one returned an error for an unknown parameter. Because the statistics...


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No Table support?

I missed table support in the default TinyMCE editor and thought I have to install a new one. But tables and much more just hidden!To activate advanced editor features: Extensions > Plugin Manager >...


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Joomla! Admin Password Lost

There is no way to recover the admin password. Instead the DB table containing the password can be modified. A new password can be MD5 hashed and inserted the following way: UPDATE `jos_users` SET...
