Monthly Archive: June 2010

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Fix Plesk Statistics

Problem: No web statistics were generated, only a place holder shown under /plesk-stat/webstat. Generating the stats manually suceeded: /usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/statisticsor/usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/statistics –calculate-one – The latter one returned an error for an unknown parameter. Because the statistics...


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Usually a SIP UA needs to register to be able to make certain transactions. E.g. to receive calls, the REGISTRAR has to know how to reach the UA. It could be also that a...


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SIP Without Service Provider

I wrote earlier that a simple UA-UA call without any service provider is not used in practice. But do we really need a service provider if we are satisfied with SIP to SIP VoIP...


men's blue collared top near silver MacBook 0

SIP Short Intro

SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) is a protocol to setup multimedia sessions over the Internet. The endpoint or devices are called user agents (UA). A user agent can be a client and initiate a request...


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No Table support?

I missed table support in the default TinyMCE editor and thought I have to install a new one. But tables and much more just hidden!To activate advanced editor features: Extensions > Plugin Manager >...


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Mobile Networks Links

 Femto Cells Vodafone accelerates Femto deployment:


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DNS-323 for Central Data Storage

DNS-323 as NAS The DNS-323 by D-Link is a 2-bay network storage enclosure. The last point, “hacked” Linux FW, was an important criterion for this selection. The DNS-323 is discussed in a couple of forums and...


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Joomla! Admin Password Lost

There is no way to recover the admin password. Instead the DB table containing the password can be modified. A new password can be MD5 hashed and inserted the following way: UPDATE `jos_users` SET...


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A Multimedia Home Network – Intro

A Multimedia Home Network – Introduction Starting from simple Internet access, more IP connectable device were the network over the time.This is an attempt to document this setup, show what is possible and how...
